Basically this is already happening. A user at TL0 can't access the create request tag. Because of many users trying to bypass the rules the admin has decided that on a temporary basis it is necessary to exclude all new users from accessing the majority of the community.
Essentially there are 2 issues:
- users creating multiple accounts trying to bypass the request limitation
- users (who has not read or don't understand the rules) who tries to create requests using the wrong tags.
Maybe a solution could be to enforce an automated limited time of probation for all new users.
- When new users registers an account on the site they are only allowed to view activity in the community.
- One week after registration the users will be allowed to comment on existing discussions.
- One month after registration the users will be allowed to create new discussions according to the existing rules for TL0
- Supplying help to solve a request from another users will remove those limitations (sorry [Login to see the link] probably more work for you). The users will still have to meet the existing demands for reaching TL1.
By using date of registration of the users account this will allow old users to bypass the steps 1 and 2.
Regarding step 4. If users helps solve a request from another user they essentially shows that they want to actively participate in the community.
crucifer Is there a way to have the algorithms weed out the not yet qualified prior to posting?
It has been tried but so far the bot only has identified 2 attempts to post requests using other tags (as far as I know).